Middle Temple Young Barristers' Association

Am I a member of MTYBA?

MTYBA membership starts at the date of Call to the Bar by Middle Temple and continues through to the later of: seven years post-Call or seven years post-pupillage.

The good news is, once you are Called to the Bar by Middle Temple, you are automatically a member of MTYBA! However, you won’t be able to experience the true benefits of membership unless we are able to contact you about all our events and opportunities, and to do that, we need you to tell us that we can contact you. You can do this by either emailing or filling out the form on our ‘Connect with us’ page.

You can also follow us on Twitter and Facebook for all the latest news and updates.

I’m still not sure if I’m a member or not…

Our main goal is ensuring that we are able to provide representation to all of the young barrister members of Middle Temple. In certain cases, our membership rules mean that individuals who ought to benefit from the opportunities we provide fall through the gaps in these rules (for example, because they have secured pupillage beyond seven years Call). We therefore have a policy of offering some flexibility in our membership rules to ensure we capture everyone that we should.

So if you’re not sure whether you can avail yourself of the benefits membership provides, drop us an email at and we will let you know.

Background image by DAVID ILIFF. License: CC-BY-SA 3.0